Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day...Part 1

I'm saying this is Christmas Day Part 1 since we were unable to spend Christmas Eve with my family (stupid snow!).
We spent the day with Toby's parents, brothers, sister-in-laws, and nephews. The morning started off with a wonderful breakfast. We then spent the next two hours opening presents and watching the snow fall.
I have to say, it was a very relaxing and enjoyable Christmas this year which made it that much nicer.

Christmas Morning

This Christmas morning was what we have been waiting for.
Anders woke-up around 5:30, had his bottle, and we thought would be heading back to bed. We were wrong. He was wide awake! So, we went to open presents. At first he wasn't too sure about what the big gifts were and what he should do with them. But with a little encouragement, he went at it. Anders loved his basketball hoop! He was making baskets right away. Now the other gift, the one that dad said would be perfect, Anders was not too sure about. I think the Power Wheels will need a little warming up to. Anders also got the hang of finding presents in his stocking.
Toby and I decided just to do stocking this year...we have already said we'll do presents next year! It just didn't feel the same.
After about an hour or so, Anders crashed and took a nice two hour nap. Classic.


This year we were finally able to join back with the gingerbread crew. It's been a couple of years since we were able to participate in my family tradition of going to the home that I always loved going to...The Kautz house. We have been going to gingerbread as long as I can remember and I couldn't wait to have Anders be part of this tradition.
Linda always takes the time to make three different types of gingerbread homes. You then get the chance to pick your out and decorate!
It was great this year now seeing all of us who use to be the "kids" bring our growing family. The cycle has come back around and there are lot's of little feet throughout the house.
We didn't make a house this year, but Anders was able to play with other kids and loved watching others make their homes. I think next year we'll try it out. Most of all, I just loved being with our family friends and catching up!

First present of the year

This year we were able to participate in the Lion's Christmas held at the Elks. Thanks to Papa Ken, Anders great grandpa, Anders was able to meet Santa and get his first present of the holiday season. This was on December 15th, just before the snow would test our ability to see family over the holidays.
I was not sure how Anders would do with Santa this year, given he was only a few months old last year. But, Anders knows who the big guy is! He kept wanting to go up to see him while the other kids where getting their presents. When his name was called he walked right up to him and sat on his lap without any hesitation!

Snow Day or should I say "Snow Days!"

I still can't believe that we were getting snow for almost a week! When was the last time this had happened?! Well, we loved it while it was here but are now happy to have it gone.
Anders enjoyed the snow for the first couple of days but as the days went on I could tell he was wanting to be somewhere other than the house. Wait, maybe that we just me. Anyway, it was a couple days later that we went up to Toby's parents house to go sledding. We would have thought that Anders would love it but...he didn't. He went down the hill a couple of times with Dad and then spent the rest of the day inside playing with mom.
Toby on the other had loved the snow. He built a big throne in our backyard, jumped around in it like a little kid, and went sledding with his big brother, nephew, and his mom. Let's just say the next day Toby was sore.
Lady turned into the young pup that she was when she lived in Ellensburg. It's amazing how a dog acts so old but when there is snow, the aches and pains all go away. Out of all of us, I think she was heartbroken to see the snow leave.
Overall, I think we ended up with a couple feet of snow over a weeks time. Wow! I just wish that Anders was a little bit older to enjoy this. You know, the age where they want to be out all day and you have to drag them inside to warm up.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

November here and gone!

This past month has really flown by. I still can't believe that it's already December! I've been busy at work with report cards and parent conferences. I'm ready for a little break. Toby is still working in town, which we're very thankful for. I do have to say that he had a great yearly review, so of course I'm proud of him. Anders is walking full speed ahead and wanting to be independent. He likes to see how far he can push and testing the parenting skills of Toby and I. We really are learning to be a team. It seems like everyday he's teaching us something and of course bringing more joy than I could imagine. The big thing for him now is carefully stacking blocks. I'm not just saying this because he's my son but he's DARN GOOD AT IT! He also will give you a hug if you ask for one, I think that's my favorite. Best of all, Anders is talking up a storm. We still can't figure out what he's saying but as long as he's trying to talk we're happy. I hope everyone is able to have a wonderful holiday with family and friends, I know we will!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Oh what a month! Anders is now walking which is just so exciting! He's already had his first bug of the year, which I'm sure there will be more. He loves to climb over things, tip things over, and listening to the "no" word from dad and mom. Toby has been working on his 2nd Scout to sell, it will be nice to have the extra cash! He also built Anders a fun tunnel which Anders loves to play in ALL THE TIME! I've been busy with work, I am really liking this group of kids. They keep me on my toes and really enforce the importance of respect. It's amazing how they assume they can talk disrespectfully to you. I seem to say the same thing over and over, "You might talk to your family that way but you will NOT speak to me that way." Poor Anders, he is really not going to like his parents sometimes! I'm also still working on losing the baby weight a year later. Weight Watchers is my friend again and I've already hit my 25lb. mark...just a bit more to go! We miss you all and can't wait to share family time during Thanksgiving this year!
Oh! For those of you that know our dear friends Matt and Tawny Malone, they had their baby on October 26th. His name is Jaxon Tye Malone and he is beautiful!

The pumpkin patch

The other weekend we headed up to my parents house in Snohomish. We had a weekend full of celebrating my dad's birthday along with mine, going to a hokey game, and of course going to the pumpkin patch. We were able to meet up with our dear friends Kelly and Jessica Larsen along with their two girls. It was such a beautiful day!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The last few weeks and today.

Wow, so many things have been happening!
School is off and running and I am really enjoying my kiddos this year. Toby is busy and is still working in town, hopefully that can last as long as possible!
We took Anders to his first Kelso Hilander football game. He is so good, I think it's because there is just so much to look at. We have been practicing having him put his arms up when we say "Touchdown!" He's just about there.
Earlier this month Anders started taking a few steps. Each day he get a little more courage and tries to push himself that much further. This past Saturday evening, he walked across the length of our living room rug to my Dad. I was just so happy that my parents were able to be a part of something BIG for Anders.
We also had his 1st birthday celebration today. I was so happy that some of my family was able to come to our home and help celebrate Anders 1st birthday. I just hope they truly know how much that meant to me. I know that not everyone was able to make it but still, I actually had MY family here!
Anders was great for his party. He took everything in, enjoying opening gifts, and was quite calm about his cake. He did lot's of playing and by the time everyone left we sat down and he was out.
I still can't believe that a year has gone by. Toby and I have a wonderful son who has brought so much joy to our life. So, tomorrow on Anders birthday I think Toby and I should celebrate the fact the we made it through the long labor and delivery. For crying out loud, poor Toby has those images etched into his brain...the poor guy!
We miss and love you all!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Well, I have started back to work and getting into the swing of things. Toby has finished the laundry room with only a few little things left to do. We had such a wonderful summer spending time with family and friends. I just can't believe that Anders is going to be one at the end of the month. Where does the time go? Now with two teeth, eating most things on his own, and always making us laugh and smile he's just growing into such a little man! So, here I am this Friday evening, tired from the first week of school but excited at the same time. We are going to the first football game of the season...which will be Anders first time! Being able to share this tradition with our son really makes me step back and just be amazed that I have such a wonderful husband and son. Wow, this is what it's like to be loving your life! I hope to see many of you soon, hopefully before the holidays! Miss you all!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another Anders first!

Well, our little guy finally had a tooth come on through! I was really crossing my fingers that his grumpy attitude and fever the other day was all from his first tooth. We were happy to see that on August 15th his little tooth started to come through. But that's not all! Later that evening, Anders decided to say "mama" and take a step by himself. What a day! I guess that's how it is, nothing and then all of a sudden something!
Also, Toby is just about done with our new laundry room. I'll post pictures once it's all done, he is doing such a wonderful job!
I am still trying to get my classroom ready for the year and here I thought I had so much time!

Monday, August 11, 2008


We just got back from our family vacation in Chelan. We were able to have our close friends, Matt and Tawny (baby Jaxon in tummy) join us which made it that much better. Also Toby and Matt's friend Alan got to experience the wonders of Chelan for the first time. Anders loved being outside from morning til night. I think if he could talk, he would have begged to stay for another week if not move there. Lady played and played and was in dog heaven! We look forward so much to spend time with our family and friends in Chelan. Thank you so much to Uncle Paul and Auntie Lisa for letting us stay and enjoy their wonderful getaway. I have already started back to work by taking classes and it sure feels good! Toby is currently creating a beautiful laundry room that will be perfect. Anders is crawling, standing, and wanting to walk. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he will take his first steps before his first birthday in September. I'll keep everyone posted!